Hills Allergy and Specialists Clinic

About Us

Hills Allergy and Specialists Clinic aims to bring together the skills and expertise required to diagnose and treat allergic and immunological conditions under one roof for children and adults. Allergy and immunology is our main focus, given the great need and scarcity of services in the community.

Our team includes Paediatric Allergist and Immunologists, Adult Allergist and Immunologist, Allergy dietitian, and allergy and immunology trained nursing staff committed to provide a high standard of care to our patients in a family-focused environment. We work as a team with our patients and their families and strive to make sure that your experience with our clinic is as pleasant as possible.

All the testing, including skin prick testing and low risk food challenges are performed on site. The ability to perform consultation and skin prick tests on the same day enables us to provide a comprehensive plan for your health condition/diagnosis. The ability to perform low risk food challenges on site advantages our patients by avoiding the long waiting periods which is up to 12-18 months in some public hospitals.

We are conveniently located in the Q-Central building in Bella Vista, NSW opposite the Norwest Private Hospital.

our clinical team

Paediatric Allergist & Immunologist

Paediatric Allergist & Immunologist

Adult Allergist and Immunologist

Adult Allergist and Immunologist

Specialist Paediatric Dietitian

Nurse Practitioner

Clinical Nurse Specialist

Allergy Nurse

Our Admin and Reception Team

Medical Receptionist

Medical Receptionist

Medical Receptionist

Latest News

Food Allergy

Food Allergy Allergy occurs when a person reacts to substances present in food or environment that are harmless to most...

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